My New HP Laptop Review

Top of the line HPLaptops

I was due for a new computer upgrade. I wanted a new laptop loaded with Windows 10. The operating system in my old laptop is Windows Vista, and this computer is now seven years old.

I had a decision to make, do I spend the money to update a seven-year-old laptop with a new operating system or do I buy a new laptop? 

I decided on a new laptop so I bought the HP 17z and have had it now for more than a month. I couldn’t be happier, my new computer has a 750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive, 6GB Ram, and a 17-inch screen.

I’m not going to try and explain all of the technical aspects because, to be honest with you I’m not a technical kind of guy. So I’ll leave all of the techie stuff to your own research.

My new laptop is thin, lightweight, and travels nicely. The system is fast and loads pages with lightning speed.

 I’m very pleased with Windows 10 as I’m learning new things every day, and it has so much to offer. I decided that I really didn’t want a touch screen, but the 17-inch screen on this laptop is a dream for me. 

The only complaint that I have is that when the laptop is fully closed it’s a little difficult to open, as was my old one. I can certainly live with that because it really has nothing to do with the performance of the computer.

Why did I choose and why do I recommend the HP laptop or any HP product? Because my seven-year-old laptop is an HP and is still operating just fine.

I’ve had other brands of computers in the past and they all have crashed and burned on me. My old HP has served me well, so I thought I should stick with what is working, and this is why I recommend it.

HP Notebook Laptop, 15.6HP Notebook Laptop, 15.6HP Notebook Laptop, 15.6


How to Patch a large hole in plaster or drywall

How to patch a large hole in plaster or drywall
Secure the wire mesh with a pencil

Accidents do happen, maybe the kids were playing too hard, or you were moving some furniture around, banged into the wall, and put a nice hole in it.

Not to worry these things do happen, we were moving into a new house and ran right into a wall with a large dresser.

I’m talking about a large hole here one of those not so easy to just slap in some patching compound.

Time required for this DIY: 3-Days

Difficulty: easy

Materials you will need:
  • Patching plaster or drywall compound
  • Some wire mesh
  • A small amount of water
  • Sand Paper
Tools Required:
  • 3-inch putty knife
  • 12-inch piece of wire
  • Pencil
  • Pliers
  • Spray bottle
  • Paint Brush
Here is how to do this, sorry the picture is not very good but it’s self-explanatory.

1. Remove any loose material from around the edges of the hole. Cut a piece of wire mesh bigger than the hole, and run the wire through one side and back out to the front. Now push the wire mesh into the hole and pull it tight towards you. Tie the pencil to the center keeping it tight against the wall.

2. Spray some water on the wire mesh and around the edges, not too much. Now apply a rough coat of patching plaster leaving a small space where the wire is tied to the pencil.

3. Allow the rough coat to dry thoroughly, and remove the pencil and wire. Now apply your finish coat of patching plaster.

4. After the finished patch is dry, sand it smooth, and use a primer before applying a finish coat of paint. Congratulations you’ve patched a big hole in the wall. That was pretty easy don’t you think?

I sure hope this helped you, thanks for stopping by.

Warner 3Warner 3Warner 31 qt Dap 12278 ElastoPatch White Pro-Grade Elastomeric Patching Compound1 qt Dap 12278 ElastoPatch White Pro-Grade Elastomeric Patching Compound1 qt Dap 12278 ElastoPatch White Pro-Grade Elastomeric Patching Compound


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